This is your brain on everyday life

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A new study by Zachariah Reagh offers fresh insights into how the brain goes to great lengths to processes and remember everyday events.

Garland E. Allen III (1936–2023): Leading historian of biology and social justice activist

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Garland (“Gar”) E. Allen III, a leader in the history of genetics and eugenics, died on 10 February at age 86. Gar was at heart an activist, pushing for social justice and promoting inclusion before the concept gained its current urgency. He loved intellectual give-and-take and took pride in the lively philosophical debate generated by the books he authored. A supportive mentor, Gar devoted himself to making vulnerable students feel comfortable in university life.

Augmented reality allows students to practice Italian in a virtual classroom

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A saloon in the American Old West became a virtual environment for Iva Youkilis’ students to discuss, debate, and practice vocabulary about games — all in Italian.

Q & A: David Schuman, Director of The Writing Program

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In light of his recent promotion, the Duncker Digest staff wanted to dig-in with David Schuman, Director of The Writing Program, and learn a little more about him, his teaching philosophy, and the creative process itself. Despite Hurst Visits, dissertations, and a generally busy spring semester, Dave was kind enough to get back to us right away!

NASA’s Uranus Mission Is Running Out of Time

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Bill McKinnon talks to Scientific American about NASA mission to Uranus

Scientists share ‘comprehensive’ map of volcanoes on Venus — all 85,000 of them

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Planetary scientists Paul Byrne and Rebecca Hahn in Arts & Sciences have created the first comprehensive map of volcanoes on Venus, pinpointing 85,000 of them. Their study was posted online in JGR Planets, and the dataset is publicly available.

Scientists share ‘comprehensive’ map of volcanoes on Venus — all 85,000 of them

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Paul Byrne and Rebecca Hahn map 85,000 volcanoes on Venus

WashU to host StanCon 2023

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The four-day conference on Stan programming and Bayesian modeling will take place June 20-23.

WashU & Slavery Project Partners with St. Louis County Parks to Interpret Slavery at General Daniel Bissell House

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Doctoral Student David Balmaceda Selected for Bouchet Graduate Honor Society

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The Bouchet Society recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and promotes diversity and excellence in doctoral education and the professoriate.

Derek Braverman contributes to Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Public Health

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Siegel and Craver's "Phenomenal Laws and Mechanistic Explanations" to appear in Philosophy of Science

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